If you’ve been researching private clouds and public clouds, you probably have heard of the many benefits you’ll receive with either of these solutions. What’s a little trickier is to figure out...
Where space on servers is shared by multiple businesses in a public cloud, a private cloud consists of dedicated and propriety architecture. The infrastructure is dedicated solely to your use, which...
Companies are shifting to consuming IT through public or private cloud solutions in large numbers. Besides the faster time to market, streamlined processes, and flexible infrastructure costs, there...
As all IT administrators and staff know, managing and maintaining a company full of individual desktop computers is a painstaking, time-intensive task. Even using management tools to alleviate some...
Most businesses are jumping on the cloud solutions band wagon, realizing that instant access anywhere, any time to data and software gives end users more options for getting work done. VDI was...
ost IT administrators understand the cost benefits of moving your desktop PCs to a virtualized solution. By moving your VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure) to the cloud, you gain a multitude of...
If you’ve been considering a VDI migration for your company’s desktop users, there are more than a few things to consider before choosing the platform and the partner to help you migrate. You want...
Hackers and attacks are getting more sophisticated, meaning companies need to be more vigilant and industrious in their network security. We’ve put together a list of top 8 network security threats...
Cyber security is becoming a boardroom-level issue for most companies. CIO Magazine reported that upgrading security is among the top 5 priorities that CEOs have in the upcoming year. Especially for...
CIO Magazine reported, “IT managers admit widespread security problems in their organizations.” In an article entitled, “By the Numbers: The Impact of Data Breaches,” 18% of IT managers reported that...