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Top 8 Network Security Threats & How to Mitigate Risks

Network-Security-ThreatsHackers and attacks are getting more sophisticated, meaning companies need to be more vigilant and industrious in their network security. We’ve put together a list of top 8 network security threats you should be on the lookout for, and then we discuss how you can mitigate your risks.

  1. Ransomware. This can be a vicious and heartbreaking attack when certain information and devices are locked and held for ransom. This is especially true for medical equipment that’s unfortunate enough to accidentally download this malicious code. The Internet of Things will open up a fertile attack ground since certain devices lack even basic security features.
  2. Software vulnerabilities. Because not everyone updates software consistently with patches, this poses a huge risk from an attack by hackers. There is a constant stream of fixes issued in vendor security patches and updates that must be installed for optimal security.
  3. Hacktivism. While not new, hacktivism has become mainstream thanks to the collective Anonymous system of hackers. Usually with a political motive, these hackers launch distributed denial of service attacks to hamper traffic or cause widespread damage to entire systems.
  4. More backdoors. Backdoors installed by sophisticated hackers can work to decrypt data, leading to theft and black market activities. This may give rise to nation states intercepting large amounts of VPN traffic from a backdoor.
  5. Online transaction fraud. Chip and PIN innovations have greatly increased security for bank and credit cards, but that won’t stop fraud altogether. It will simply move to online stores and retailers or even transactions made over the phone.
  6. Altered data attacks. Attacks that sabotage data, changing it or manipulating it in some manner, are difficult to detect. Even a slight alteration in data can have enormous complications and consequences.
  7. Cloud attacks. Mobile devices with apps that rely on the cloud are an excellent opportunity for hackers to remotely attack private and public clouds to access corporate networks. Malware will be created to specifically crack cloud-based systems.
  8. Skills gap. As attacks and breaches become more sophisticated, companies will want to hire the best talent to deal with network security issues. This might cause a gap in the marketplace for security professionals with the right skills.

CIO Magazine stated that the best defense against network security issues is to “shore up…assets by building a team of trusted advisors, including internal and external partners.” A further strategy to combat weak security links is to conduct cyber security drills targeted on communication, threat assessment, and risk mitigation.

If you’d like to read more information about cyber security risk assessment, download the free e-Book “How to Assess Cyber Security Risks & Ensure Compliance” from TBConsulting. Or contact one of our experts today to discuss your security needs.