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How Can Hybrid Cloud Contribute to Resilient Businesses?

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape for businesses, and there's no end in sight. Nearly 50% of companies plan to continue work-from-home policies after the pandemic abates. As a result of...

People Centricity - How People Are Essential in the People, Process, Technology Approach to Successful Business Outcomes

Today’s business model requires a delicate balance between people, processes, and technology. To achieve and maximize business outcomes a “people, processes, and technology” framework must be...

5 Ways to Take Advantage of Anywhere Operations with Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Is your business ready to take advantage of Hybrid Cloud solutions and invest in IT operations deployed on responsive, reliable platforms, with 24/7 access, and running without the limitations of...

How can the Healthcare Industry Maintain Digital Transformation (DX) Momentum?

The healthcare industry has experienced a number of profound changes related to patient care. As the pandemic has increasingly normalized telehealth visits using virtual collaboration tools, more...